Therapy P.L.O.T.

Pilates | Lymphoedema | Occupational Therapy

Helping You Bloom

At Therapy P.L.O.T., our expert therapists are committed to providing high quality
care to help you achieve your goals and live your life to the fullest.


Lymphoedema & Vascular Therapy



Welcome to Therapy P.L.O.T., a caring and compassionate therapy service whose primary goal is to help you bloom.

We believe everyone should be able to live their best life. Our service helps you break down the barriers and challenges that limit your ability to engage in the activities that matter the most to you, pursue your goals and grow.

Therapy P.L.O.T. offers Pilates, lymphoedema and vascular treatment, and occupational therapy services to adults of all ages, life stages, and backgrounds throughout the greater Ipswich area.

Whether you’re recovering from an injury or living with a chronic health condition or disability, our team is here to help. We use evidence-based and client-centred approaches to our care, working closely with you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses your needs and goals.

Therapy Services

Therapy P.L.O.T. is a private practice offering a range of allied therapy services to adults living in and around the Ipswich region. Our primary services include occupational therapy and lymphoedema, lipoedema and vascular treatment.

We also offer Pilates as a complementary service to our comprehensive healthcare offerings. This enables us to deliver a holistic care to individuals with disabilities, chronic health conditions, and lymphoedema.

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Occupational Therapy

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Occupational Therapy (OT) is a client-centred healthcare profession that helps promote health and wellbeing in people of all ages. It helps you overcome challenges and achieve independence in meaningful, everyday activities. OT can help with anything from getting dressed, paying bills, sleeping well, going to work, making friends or cooking meals - all the things that ‘occupy’ your time.

An occupational therapist will work with you to identify the physical, emotional and cognitive challenges that limit participation in the activities you enjoy doing. We then create an individualised plan to help build skills and abilities, modify activities and environments, or access equipment and services to overcome barriers to improve life quality.

We focus on the activities that are most important and meaningful to you to help you maintain or regain your independence.

Occupational Therapy at Therapy P.L.O.T.


Therapy P.L.O.T. provides expert occupational therapy services for adults living with physical, neurological, cognitive and mental health conditions to help you live your best life.

We offer a range of occupational therapy services including:

  • Functional capacity assessments and reports.
  • Assistive technology assessments, prescriptions and reports.
  • Home safety / environmental assessments and minor home modifications.
  • SIL / SDA assessments and reports.
  • Life skills development.
  • Falls risk assessment and intervention
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Aging-in-place
  • Mental health support
  • Lymphoedema therapy

If you or a loved one are experiencing difficulties engaging in daily activities, we are here to help.
Please contact us to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services.

"Life is like a cactus - prickly but beautiful."

Lymphoedema & Vascular Therapy

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Lymphoedema occurs when lymphatic fluid builds up in certain areas of the body, typically the arms or legs, due to disruption or damage to the lymphatic system. When the fluid cannot properly drain, it leads to swelling and discomfort and can significantly impact function, mobility and quality of life.

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  • Chronic oedema

    Chronic oedema is swelling that has persisted for more than three months. Chronic oedema occurs when the vascular or lymphatic systems (or both) cannot remove fluid from the body’s tissues. Chronic oedema results from a range of conditions, including lymphoedema, venous problems, lipoedema, dependent oedema (inactive/sedentary legs), obesity, chronic infections, and systemic conditions (heart, liver, kidneys).

  • Lipoedema

    Lipoedema is a painful, hereditary condition that typically affects women after undergoing a hormonal change. It’s often misdiagnosed as obesity because of the disproportionate accumulation of fat cells in the legs, thighs, buttocks and sometimes arms.

    Over time, lipoedema may lead to fluid retention in the affected area, which can result in lymphoedema. Lipoedema treatment aims to reduce symptoms of pain and discomfort and includes manual lymphatic drainage and compression therapy.

  • Vascular conditions

    Vascular conditions involve issues with the blood and lymph vessels that transport oxygen, nutrients, and waste throughout your body. Some conditions affect your arteries, while others impact your veins. Artery problems often arise from the buildup of plaque, which hinders or blocks blood flow. An example of this is peripheral arterial disease. Venous conditions, on the other hand, stem from damage to the valves in your veins, causing incomplete closure. This allows blood to flow in both directions, leading to blood pooling and swelling in the extremities. Common examples of venous conditions include venous insufficiency, deep vein thrombosis, and varicose veins.

Management of these conditions is essential, because if left untreated, you may experience further complications including skin changes, wounds, infections, pain and reduced mobility and function.

Lymphoedema Therapy at Therapy P.L.O.T.

At Therapy P.L.O.T., your comfort and wellbeing is our top priority. Our experienced and dedicated team provides the highest quality client-centred care and evidence-based treatments to help manage and reduce symptoms of these chronic conditions.

You can trust us to deliver the highest quality care, whether you’re living with lymphoedema, chronic oedema, lipoedema, or various vascular conditions. We’re committed to supporting you every step of the way.

Treatment options include:

Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Reduce swelling and improve circulation by using gentle, rhythmic movements and pressure to stimulate the lymphatic system and encourage fluid drainage from the affected area.

We are committed to providing high quality, compassionate care to our clients living with lymphoedema, chronic oedema, lipoedema and vascular conditions. We aim to help our clients achieve increased function and mobility, reduced pain and discomfort, improved physical and emotional wellbeing and an overall better quality of life.

Do you have any of these symptoms?
  • Swelling in one or both of your arms or legs that may or may not go away with elevation?
  • Feelings of heaviness, aching or tightness in your arms or legs?
  • Reduced ability to move your arms and legs?
  • Problems fitting into usual clothes or your jewellery and watch is starting to feel tight?
  • History of infections in your arms or legs?
  • Hardening and thickening of the skin (fibrosis)?
  • Dimples or pits on the skin when pressed for a few seconds?
  • A disproportionate amount of fat in your lower body (in particular your buttocks, hips and legs?
  • Changes in skin colour and / or condition?
  • Recurrent infections or wounds that won't heal?
  • Varicose veins or history of clots in your legs?

If you, a loved one or your clients are experiencing symptoms of lymphoedema, chronic oedema, lipoedema or vascular conditions, please contact us to schedule a consultation. Our experienced, caring team is here to help.

When a plant doesn't grow, you fix the environment it is subjected to, not the plant." - Yashmayi Bhoi

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Pilates is a gentle and effective way to incorporate movement and physical activity into a treatment plan. At Therapy P.L.O.T. our experienced and qualified Pilates instructors offer mat Pilates alongside our occupational therapy and lymphoedema therapy services. We believe in a holistic approach to healthcare and addressing all aspects of a person's needs.

We follow an evidence-based approach that shows Pilates can benefit individuals with a disability or other chronic health conditions such as lymphoedema. It can be used as a complementary therapy to help manage symptoms, improve physical, cognitive and mental health and wellbeing, and improve overall quality of life.

We offer small group classes and private sessions taught by trained Pilates instructors. We will work with you to understand your specific condition and needs and develop a safe and individualised exercise program to meet your goals.

The benefits of Pilates

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Pilates is a low-impact exercise that focuses on building muscle groups, flexibility, and core strength and can be modified for any age, body, condition, or fitness level.

Mat Pilates can be done anywhere (even in a chair) and may incorporate equipment such as resistance bands, balls or a Pilates bar.

Here are some of the benefits of Pilates for people living with a disability or chronic health condition such as lymphoedema:

  • Enhanced flexibility
  • Strengthening of muscles
  • Improved posture
  • Better balance and coordination
  • Reduced pain
  • Injury prevention
  • Improved circulation and fluid re-absorption
  • Increased body awareness
  • Improved concentration and focus
  • Stress reduction
  • Improved mental health

Mat Pilates is an excellent way for beginners to discover how Pilates can help improve their quality of life.

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Pilates is a safe and enjoyable form of exercise to improve your physical, cognitive and mental
health. Please contact Therapy P.L.O.T. to see how we can help you.

"Every flower blooms at a different pace."

What sets us apart

Why us?

At Therapy P.L.O.T., we strive to provide exceptional care that goes above and beyond - to make sure you feel heard and supported to achieve what’s important to you. Here are some of the things that make us unique:

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    A holistic approach to your wellbeing

    Our range of integrative services ensure holistic care for people living with disabilities, chronic health conditions and lymphoedema.

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    Personalised and client-centred care

    We listen carefully to your needs and goals, and work with you to develop a plan that fits your priorities.

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    Experience and highly trained therapists

    Our team of qualified therapists have extensive experience working with individuals from all walks of life. We are passionate about what we do and are committed to providing the highest quality of care.

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    Passionate and caring

    We’re committed to helping our clients access the health care they need. Our team supports you every step of the way to not fall through the gaps.

Contact us to see how occupational therapy can help you or your clients regain independence and start enjoying life again.

Our Vision

To be an industry leader in the provision of specialised lymphoedema and occupational therapy services for the people of Ipswich and surrounding areas.

Our mission

To be an accessible allied health provider who supports individuals to overcome barriers and challenges that limit their ability to participate in activities that are important and meaningful for them, and to achieve an optimal quality of life.
To help individuals to find value, meaning and joy in their life through occupational engagement.

Our Values

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    We strive to grow alongside our clients, ensuring everyone reaches their full potential, and live their happiest, most successful life.

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    We strive to understand the needs and goals of each individual and recognise that our clients are the experts in their lives and experiences.

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    We work together with our clients, families, support services and other treating professionals to achieve positive outcomes.

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    We treat everyone in our Therapy P.L.O.T. community with kindness, consideration and respect.

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    We like thinking outside the box to find new and different ways to solve seemingly difficult problems.

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    We pride ourselves on providing high-quality therapeutic solutions by drawing upon available research, professional expertise, and our clients' unique values and circumstances.

"Be patient with yourself - nothing in nature blooms all year round."

Meet Our Founder

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Shari Smith

  • Masters of OCCTHY, UQ
  • Bachelor of Biomedical Science, UQ
  • ALERT Lymphoedema Accreditation Training Program, Macquarie University

Shari started Therapy P.L.O.T. to provide a local holistic therapy service for people living with disabilities, chronic health conditions, and lymphoedema in the Ipswich region.

Shari is passionate about ensuring that healthcare is accessible to everyone and that no one falls through the gaps or gets put into the “too hard” basket. Life is complicated, disabilities are complicated, and lymphoedema is complicated. Shari’s goal is to help; if she can’t, she’ll connect her clients with the people and services who can.

Shari completed a Bachelor of Biomedical Science in 2010, and after travelling the world with her sister for 12 months, returned to complete her Masters of Occupational Therapy, graduating in 2014. She has also completed further qualifications with the Australian Lymphoedema Education, Research and Treatment Program through Macquarie University, to become an accredited Lymphoedema Therapist. In the near future, she plans on becoming a qualified Mat Pilates Instructor so that she can provide safe exercise programs to her clients, to support both their physical and emotional health and wellbeing.

Shari always knew that she wanted to work in the health industry, but really couldn’t decide which avenue to go down. This all changed when her father acquired a severe brain injury after a work accident. He was in hospital for over 7 months, during which time his allied health team allowed Shari to join in on his therapy sessions. It was then that she knew that she wanted to be an Occupational Therapist - to work one-on-one with individuals and their families through their new life journey – to pursue their dreams, goals, and desires in a new and different way. And her passion hasn’t wavered since.

Shari spent many years working in a hospital setting, across many different hospitals and clinical areas, including rehabilitation (in-patient and out-patient), acute-medical, intensive care, geriatrics, and post-acute care. But she always felt like she was missing out on the ongoing journey in a person’s “real life” after hospital. So she finally decided to move to a community role – and she hasn’t looked back.

Prior to starting Therapy P.L.O.T., Shari was working as working as a senior clinician in a private practice, which allowed Shari to pursue her two passions – community-based clinical work and leadership. She educated, guided and supported junior clinicians while developing new services and providing her beautiful clients with occupational therapy and lymphoedema therapy support.

When Shari takes off her clinician hat, she is a mum of two wonderful children and loves spending time with her family and friends. She enjoys playing tennis and is training hard to compete in triathlons (she is the swimmer and it doesn’t come naturally)! Her greatest passions are travelling (although COVID has certainly made this tricky) and filling her home with indoor plants.



Occupational Therapists work with adults and children with various conditions/illnesses/injuries/disabilities. Our role is to help individuals do the tasks or activities ("occupations") they want and need to do and to improve their function and wellbeing. This might include learning at school, going to work, showering, cooking a meal, playing sports or managing medications.

We look at the relationships between your daily activities (your occupations), the challenges you experience when doing them, and the environment in which they are performed. We work with you to create your personal goals and develop treatment plans to help you achieve them.

At Therapy P.L.O.T., we currently see adults aged 18 years and above.


"Every plant has its own requirements to grow... and so do people."

Leading Funding Bodies

NDIS Participants

We accept referrals for both self managed and plan managed NDIS participants.

Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA)

We welcome DVA clients. DVA Health Cards (Gold and White) are accepted as payment upon a GP referral.


Individuals with care plans can receive funding rebates via medicare for allied health services.
This helps cover a portion of the consultation or assessment. See your GP for further details.

Private Health Rebates

Occupational Therapy private health rebates can be accessed from a range of health funds. Check with your health fund to see what rebates you might be eligible for.

QLD Health Lymphoedema Compression Garment Scheme

Queensland Health provides compression garments for the treatment of lymphoedema to eligible Queensland residents. Your lymphoedema therapist will discuss eligibility with you during your consultation.

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